Monday, October 1, 2007

Shambhala's Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche & Pema Chodron Make Announcement

The Sakyong, Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche has asked President [of Shambhala] Richard Reoch to write on his behalf to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon expressing his concern at the threats of violence and attacks on unarmed Buddhist monks and civilians in Burma (Myanmar) who are peacefully demonstrating in their country.

News from that country indicates that the monastics have come under attack, leading to serious injuries and possible fatalities.

The Sakyong would like members of the Shambhala community know that in his view it would be appropriate for prayers and practices to be offered in a spirit of encouraging a peaceful resolution to the crisis in Burma (Myanmar).

It would also be appropriate for individuals to join in vigils, meditations, petitions or other non-violent manifestations aimed at generating international protection for the sangha in Burma (Myanmar). He requests that this be done in a spirit, not of taking sides, but of acting in line with the impartial aspiration for peace.

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